Convert GPS to coordinates on OpenStreetMap tiles image

Browsing maps in GPXsee will generate corresponding cache file, they are jpg images of the map tile matrix with a file name of zoomlevel-x-y with no suffix.the path to these files is: %APPDATA%\GPXSee\about zoom levels: In reality we always get location in longitude and latitude while the map tiles are in coordinates, to load …

Install Hacintosh on Proxmox VE 7.1

Why installing hacintosh on my Proxmox? In order to integrate my airtag status in home-assistant and forwarding iMessage to my android devices.There are quite much tutorial of installation on internet. I learnt from: Installing macOS 12 “Monterey” on Proxmox 7 – Nicholas Sherlock (, (thanks to Nicholas) it’s pretty detailed and easy but there were …

CentOS 7 Plugin “copr” can’t be imported. No such command: copr.

I met this issue in caddy installation. It requires repo ‘copr’ and get an error in yum importing.I searched on google and find that most of this issue is caused by missing or broken of urllib3 Work: This is to find whether copr repo is installed. If so, here will be the, copr.pyc and …

IGD(GPU) Passthrough and iommu on the latest Proxmox VE(2020)

Please note: since 4.18.16 vfio-pci is compiled-in, no longer a module.Make sure your CPU supports vt-d. It works on my Proxmox 6.2, kernel version 5.4.34-1-pve. If you have an alternative PVE version. The IGD Passthrough method in this article may not work proper. Enable the IOMMU: IGD(GPU) Passthrough:Look up IGD device id: result like this …

Generate and log in SSH with an RSA public key

1. Generate the key. ssh-keygen -t rsa -P 123456 -f host -C ‘key’ -t: key Type {dsa | ecdsa | ed25519 | rsa | rsa1}-P: Passpharse (empty for no passpharse)-f: key Filename/hostname-C: Comment 2. Add it to your server. scp root@your_server_ip:/root/cat /root/ >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keyschmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys 3. Edit sshd_config.vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config Edit these configs. RSAAuthentication …

Using Crontab

The software utility cron is a time-based job scheduler in Unix-like computer operating systems. Edit the cron time table with: run every minute: run at the first and 31st minute every hour: run at the first minute of 8-10 a.m. every day: run every 2 days: run scripts in /etc/cron.hourly